abacus |
a device used for counting or calculating. An abacus has beads or other counters that slide along rods or in grooves. |
accompaniment |
something that is added to or goes along with something else. [1/2 definitions] |
accompany |
If somebody accompanies you somewhere, they go along with you. You don't go alone. If one thing accompanies another thing, it comes with it. [2/3 definitions] |
ad-lib |
to make up as one goes along; say or do something without practice or planning. [1/2 definitions] |
against |
When you go against something, you don't along with it, or you go in the opposite direction that it is going. If you walk against the wind, it means that you walk so that the wind is blowing in your face. If you play a game and go against the rules, it means that you don't play the way the rules tell you to play. [1/4 definitions] |
Algeria |
Algeria is the largest country in Africa. It lies along the shore of a sea called the Mediterranean. Algeria has big cities, beaches, and mountains in the north, but the southern part of Algeria is all desert. It is part of the Sahara Desert, the biggest desert in the world. |
along |
When you walk along something, you walk next to it or go the same way that it goes. When you take a walk along the river, you take a walk next to the river. [5 definitions] |
alongside |
along, near, or by the side of. [1/2 definitions] |
Alps |
a high mountain range that goes from southern France through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria and into the countries along the Adriatic Sea down to Albania. |
and |
with; also; along with; as well as. [1/3 definitions] |
Andes |
a high mountain range that stretches along the entire west coast of South America. |
apostrophe1 |
An apostrophe (') is a mark we often use along with a letter "s" to show that something belongs to a person or to a thing. When we talk about our FRIEND'S bike, we are talking about the bike that belongs to our friend. When we talk about the CITY'S streets, we mean the streets that belong to the city. [1/3 definitions] |
arcade |
a covered passageway that has shops or places to play video or other games along the sides. [1/2 definitions] |
around |
measured along the outside edge; in circumference. [1/12 definitions] |
ascend |
to go up on or along; climb or rise on. [1/2 definitions] |
assembly line |
a way of putting together a product in a factory by moving it along a line of workers. Each worker adds or adjusts a part until the product is finished. |
attachment |
An attachment is something that people sometimes send along with an email. An attachment is often a photo, or it might be a video or a written document. [1/5 definitions] |
attend |
to go along with; accompany. [1/4 definitions] |
Australia |
Australia is a large island country that lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Much of Australia is very dry, and most of the people live in the towns and cities near the ocean. There are many beautiful beaches along the coasts. Australia has many animals and plants that only live or grow in Australia. Most people in Australia speak English, but other languages are spoken there too. [1/2 definitions] |
Azerbaijan |
Azerbaijan is a country in Asia. Some of its neighbors are Russia, Iran, and Georgia. One part of the country lies along the shore of a large sea called the Caspian. Azerbaijan is a country of mountains and valleys, and it has many rivers. |
backbone |
the row of bones that runs along the center of the back; spine. [1/2 definitions] |