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amuse Sometimes when you amuse people, it means that you make them laugh. [1/2 definitions]
divert to draw away from serious matters; amuse. [1/3 definitions]
entertain to amuse; keep interested. [1/3 definitions]
entertainment Entertainment is activity that amuses or creates interest. When you are bored and need entertainment, it means that you need someone or something to amuse you or give you something enjoyable to watch or think about. [1/2 definitions]
joke When you joke, you say things that are not serious. When you joke, you say things that you don't actually mean or that are not really true because you want people to react in some way. People sometimes joke when they want to surprise, tease, or amuse other people or because they want to laugh at other people or at themselves. [1/3 definitions]
play activity that is meant to relax or amuse. [1/8 definitions]
sport to amuse oneself through activity; play. [1/6 definitions]
wit the ability to express oneself in clever ways that amuse people, or that which is said or written that uses this ability. [1/4 definitions]