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agitation When someone feels agitation, they feel disturbed and anxious, and maybe angry or afraid. Something has upset them a lot and they can't feel calm. [1/3 definitions]
anger to cause anger in; make angry. [2/3 definitions]
angry When you are angry, it means that you are feeling or showing anger. You have a strong feeling that someone has treated you badly or has done something very wrong or not fair. [2 definitions]
annoy When someone annoys you, it means that something they do makes you a bit angry or upset.
annoyance An annoyance is someone or something that bothers or irritates you. It makes you a little bit upset or angry. [1/2 definitions]
annoyed feeling somewhat angry or irritated.
argument An argument is a kind of fight using words. When people disagree about something, they sometimes have an argument. In an argument, people talk back and forth, and sometimes they yell. People don't always get angry when they have an argument, but sometimes they do. [1/2 definitions]
bitter When someone is bitter, it means that they feel angry, or they feel both angry and sad, sometimes for a long time. Sometimes a bitter person hates something or hates someone. [1/3 definitions]
black angry, unhappy, or evil. [1/7 definitions]
blow one's top (informal) to lose control; become angry.
boil1 to be very angry. [1/5 definitions]
bug When something or someone bugs you, they annoy you. They make you a little angry. [1/5 definitions]
childish If a person acts in a childish way, they act in some of the ways that little children act. They refuse to do things that make sense. They have difficulty being patient, and they can get very angry about things that are not really so important. They can be greedy. Sometimes they think only about their own feelings and nobody else's. Sometimes acting in a childish way, just means acting like a child and not like an adult acts.
contempt the feeling or expression of angry disgust at something wicked, mean, or not worthy. [1/2 definitions]
cross When someone is cross, they are in a bad mood and can get angry easily. [1/7 definitions]
curse When people curse, they use words that a lot of people think are bad and shouldn't be used. Sometimes people curse when they are angry. [1/5 definitions]
dark When a movie is dark, bad or scary things happen in it. Dark magic is magic that causes bad things to happen. If you are in a dark mood, you have angry or bad thoughts. [1/6 definitions]
delicate When something you talk about is delicate, it means that talking about it might cause someone to get hurt, angry, or upset. People usually try to be careful about what they say and how they say it when talking about delicate subjects. [1/5 definitions]
disagree to be in a state of unhappy or angry conflict because of different opinions. [1/3 definitions]
disgusted feeling or showing very intense and immediate disapproval. This intense emotion can make a person angry or even feel sick because of how bad he or she feels that something is.
displease If something displeases people, it makes them unhappy, angry, or disappointed.