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align to place or arrange in a straight line.
alphabetize to arrange in the order of the alphabet.
arrange When you arrange something, you put it in some kind of order or pattern. [2 definitions]
array to put in order or position; organize or arrange. [1/5 definitions]
book to arrange ahead of time, or to make an appointment for. [1/3 definitions]
comb a thin piece of plastic or other material that has teeth along one side. It is used to smooth, arrange, or hold hair in place. [2/5 definitions]
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together. [1/3 definitions]
dispose to place or arrange.
florist A florist is a person who works with flowers as a job. Florists arrange, sell, and sometimes grow flowers.
host1 When someone hosts an event, they arrange the event and make sure everyone who comes has what they need. [1/3 definitions]
marshal to arrange in proper order. [1/3 definitions]
match2 If two people go well together as a couple, they are sometimes called a "good match." They are similar or equal to each other in important ways. When people arrange for two people to get together so that they will marry or have a romantic relationship, it is called "making a match" or "deciding a match." If someone is "looking for a match," they are looking for someone to marry who would go well with them. [1/8 definitions]
organize to set in order; arrange in an orderly way. [1/3 definitions]
pack1 to arrange in a container for shipment to a market. [1/9 definitions]
position to put in a particular place or arrange in a particular way. [1/7 definitions]
provide to set as a rule; arrange as a condition. [1/4 definitions]
puzzle A puzzle is a toy or fun problem that you solve by thinking. To solve some puzzles, you arrange letters, words, numbers, or objects. [1/4 definitions]
rearrange to change the order of or arrange in a different way. [2 definitions]
set to put in a particular position or location. [1/19 definitions]
space to arrange using spaces. [1/7 definitions]
stack to put, store, or arrange in a stack or stacks. [1/5 definitions]