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arthropod An arthropod is a kind of animal. Arthropods have hard shells on the outsides of their bodies and no bones inside their bodies. They often have six, eight, or ten legs, and their legs are made of parts that are joined together. Some arthropods have even more than ten legs! All insects are arthropods. Spiders, scorpions, lobsters, and crabs are arthropods too.
centipede a small animal with a narrow body like a worm. A centipede's body is divided into many segments, each having a pair of legs. The front legs have poison claws. Centipedes are a kind of arthropod and are active at night.
crab1 an animal with a wide, flat body covered by a hard shell. Crabs have ten legs, including a pair of claws, eyes on short stalks, and antennae. Most kinds of crabs live in the ocean and eat many kinds of food. Crabs are crustaceans, which are a kind of arthropod. The biggest crabs are larger than any other arthropod. [1/2 definitions]
millipede a small animal that has a narrow body like a worm, with a hard outer layer. The body of the millipede is divided into many segments, and most segments have two pairs of legs. The millipede is a kind of arthropod.