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Children's Dictionary
a-1 a prefix that means "on," "at," "into," or "to."
aardvark a large mammal with a long snout, long ears, a long tail, and with long fur mostly around its legs. Aardvarks are active at night, when they use their powerful claws to dig open ant or termite nests. They catch their food with their long, sticky tongue. Aardvarks live in southern and central Africa. Although they are sometimes called anteaters, aardvarks are not closely related to any other kind of mammal.
above at or to a higher place. [2/5 definitions]
absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous. [1/2 definitions]
absurdity something that makes no sense or is not at all in the normal order of things. [1/2 definitions]
academic a teacher or scholar at a college or university. [1/3 definitions]
access the right or ability to enter, look at, or use something. [1/4 definitions]
accompany to be connected with; happen at the same time as; follow. [1/3 definitions]
ace a person who is a master or expert at something. [1/5 definitions]
across so as to pass over at an angle, as one line crossing over another. [1/5 definitions]
adjourn to stop the process of a formal meeting or court session, often with the intention of starting again at another time.
admire to look at with delight, wonder, and approval. [1/2 definitions]
afar at, to, or from a distance; far off.
after at the rear; behind. [1/7 definitions]
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
afterward at a later time.
aim to intend or try (often followed by "to" or "at"). [1/6 definitions]
alarm clock a clock with a bell or buzzer that can be set to sound at a particular time.
Alexandria a city in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the tip of the Nile delta. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great.
alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened. [1/2 definitions]
alliteration the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.