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attend When you attend something, it means you go to something and you watch it or take part in it. When you attend a baseball game, it means that you go to the game and watch it. [3/4 definitions]
congregation A congregation is all the members who belong to a particular church, synagogue, or other religious community, or all the people who attend one particular religious service. [1/2 definitions]
keep to manage, attend to, or take care of. [1/8 definitions]
minister to care for; attend to. [1/4 definitions]
miss1 to fail to perform, attend, or otherwise experience. [1/8 definitions]
picnic to attend or hold a picnic. [1/3 definitions]
school1 the time when students attend school. [1/3 definitions]
skip to fail to attend. [1/8 definitions]
take care of to attend to; take action on. [1/2 definitions]
wait on to attend to the needs of; act as a servant to. [1/2 definitions]
wait upon to attend to the needs of; act as a servant to. [1/2 definitions]