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aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
ballast heavy material placed in the car of a balloon to make it more stable. [1/2 definitions]
balloon to swell like a balloon. [1/3 definitions]
exciting Things that make your heart beat fast are exciting. Things like skiing down a mountain, going up in a balloon, or watching an action movie can be exciting. Often, things that are exciting are things that people enjoy, but sometimes they can make people scared or very nervous. Many exciting things are both fun and scary.
gas A gas is something that is not liquid or solid but still takes up space. Did you know that air is actually made up of gases? You can't see air inside a balloon, but the air inside takes up space and makes the balloon stretch out. Like the gases in air, most gases can't be seen. [1/3 definitions]
gondola a basket, car, or sling that hangs below a balloon or blimp, used for carrying passengers or instruments. [1/2 definitions]
helium Helium is a gas that is one of the chemical elements. If you fill a balloon with helium, it will rise through the air because helium is lighter in weight than air. The chemical symbol is He.
hot-air balloon A hot-air balloon is a very large bag that rises high up into the air when it is filled with hot air. This kind of balloon can be attached to something that carries passengers.
inflate When you inflate something, you make it expand, often by filling it with air or a gas. When you inflate a balloon, you make the balloon get bigger by putting air into it. [1/2 definitions]
lift When something lifts, like a balloon or an airplane, it rises into the air. [1/9 definitions]
pop1 When you pop something, such as a balloon, you burst it and cause it to make a short, sharp sound. [2/9 definitions]
rise When something rises, it goes up. When a balloon rises, it moves up in the air. [1/15 definitions]