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BASIC a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code."
basic necessary to know first, as a foundation; fundamental. [2/3 definitions]
beggar a person who begs as a way to meet basic needs such as food and clothing.
byte a basic unit of information in computers. A byte is usually equal to eight binary digits or bits.
chemical Chemicals are the different substances that exist on the earth and in space. A chemical can be one basic substance, such as oxygen or gold or iron, but we also use the word chemical when we talk about mixtures of things, such as gasoline. People often think of chemicals as liquids, but chemicals can be solids and gases too. Chemicals are things that we can find in nature, but chemicals can also be substances that scientists make for special purposes, such as for medicines or products that we use in our daily lives. [1/2 definitions]
chemist A chemist is a kind of scientist. A chemist works in the field of chemistry. Chemists are interested in basic substances that exist on the earth and in space, and they are interested in what these things can do and what happens when you put them together.
chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds. [1/2 definitions]
constitution the set of basic laws by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed. [1/3 definitions]
constitutional A constitutional thing is something that has to do with a constitution. A constitution is a set of basic laws that a country or other organization uses to govern itself. A constitution contains the rights that the government guarantees for its citizens or that an organization guarantees for its members. [1/2 definitions]
crude Something that is crude is not processed or refined. It is in its most basic form. [2/4 definitions]
culprit something that is the basic cause or starting point of something bad. [1/2 definitions]
detail When you describe something in detail, you give a lot of information about it besides the biggest or most basic things. You tell a lot of the small things about it too. If you see something in detail, you see all its parts clearly--both the big parts and the very small parts. If you look at the moon through a telescope, you can see it in more detail than you can with just your eyes. [1/3 definitions]
elementary having to do with the most basic or simplest parts of something. [1/2 definitions]
essential an important or basic thing. [1/3 definitions]
extra Extras are things that are added to something which can be nice to have but are not really necessary. Some cars, for example, have extras that don't come with the basic car. [1/6 definitions]
form A form is a shape or the basic way something appears. When you draw the form of an animal, it means that you draw the simple shape of that animal. A form is also the basic structure of something. It is how something is put together. [1/9 definitions]
framework a basic form or outline that serves as a way to create or establish something. [1/2 definitions]
from scratch If you cook or bake something from scratch, you do it using basic ingredients and basic methods. If you bake a cake from scratch, you measure and combine things like flour, sugar, eggs, salt, oil, and water. You don't buy a cake mix at the store. [1/2 definitions]
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation. [2 definitions]
germ a basic part of a living organism, such as the inside of a seed or the embryo of an egg, from which other parts grow. [1/2 definitions]
gram1 the basic unit of weight in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a kilogram or 0.0353 ounce. (abbreviated: g)