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kangaroo a mammal with long pointed ears, short front legs, and big, powerful back legs. Kangaroos use their large tails for balance when hopping. Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia and New Guinea. The females have a pouch in their belly, where they carry their baby for a few months after it is born. Some kinds of kangaroos are as small as rabbits; other kinds are as large as grown humans.
koala a mammal with gray fur, round ears, and a short black nose. Koalas are marsupials and live in trees. The female has a pouch in her belly where she carries her baby. Koalas are only found in Australia. They are sometimes called "koala bears," but they are not related to true bears.
marsupial an animal in a group of mammals that includes kangaroos and opossums. Female marsupials have a pouch outside their belly where the mother carries her young after they are born. Most marsupials live in Australia.
opossum a small mammal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, which it uses to hang from tree branches. The common opossum is the only marsupial that lives in North America. Several other kinds of opossums live in Central and South America. The female opossum carries her young in a pouch in her belly. [1/2 definitions]
stomach the front part of the body below the chest; belly. [1/3 definitions]