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blackboard A blackboard is a smooth, dark, hard surface that is often hung on a wall in a school classroom. It is used for writing with chalk.
blackboard eraser an object made of layers of felt used for erasing chalk from a blackboard.
board short form of "blackboard," "chalkboard," or "whiteboard." [1/8 definitions]
chalk a substance made from natural chalk that is formed into round sticks that can be used to write or draw with, especially on a blackboard or on pavement. [1/3 definitions]
chalkboard a smooth, dark board to be written on with chalk; blackboard.
easel a stand for holding an artist's canvas, blackboard, or sign.
erase When you erase a surface, such as blackboard or paper, you rub or wipe off marks or writing from it. [1/2 definitions]
eraser If you write with a pencil and make a mistake, you can use an eraser to rub it away. A pencil eraser is made of soft rubber. An eraser is also what you can use to take away chalk on a blackboard.