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Children's Dictionary
affix a word part, such as a prefix or suffix, that is added to a word to change its meaning or function. The prefix "un-" and the suffix "-ness" are both affixes. [1/2 definitions]
ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
amphibian a vehicle that can travel or operate on both land and water. Some tanks, boats, and airplanes are amphibians. [1/2 definitions]
amphibious able to live both on land and in water. [2 definitions]
antler one of a pair of bony growths on the head of most kinds of deer. Male elk, moose, and white-tailed deer all grow antlers with branches or prongs. Deer grow new antlers every year. Caribou and reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both the males and the females.
audiovisual having both sound and a picture.
bi- a prefix that means "two" or "both." [1/2 definitions]
Bible the main sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity. The writings of Judaism are made up of the Old Testament, while those of Christianity are made up of both the Old and New Testaments. [1/3 definitions]
binocular (usually plural) a device that uses lenses and mirrors to make objects look larger. Binoculars are used with both eyes at once.
bison a similar animal that lives in Europe. Both kinds of bison are closely related. [1/2 definitions]
breastbone the flat bone located in the center of the chest. A person's ribs on both sides of the chest are joined to the breastbone.
caribou an animal with long legs and a long neck. Caribou are mammals with antlers and hooves. They live in the northern part of North America. Caribou are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. Both male and female caribou have antlers.
cross a mixture of two kinds of animals or plants that has characteristics of both parents; hybrid. [1/10 definitions]
cross-eye a condition in which one or both eyes turn toward each other.
dehydration a serious physical condition in which one's body has lost a great deal of water. It can happen to both humans and animals if they do not get enough water.
dietitian a person who is trained to plan healthful meals for both ill and healthy people.
draw a game or contest that ends with both sides having the same score; tie. [1/8 definitions]
drum a percussion instrument shaped like a cylinder. A drum has a hollow body covered at one or both ends by a tight material. It is played by beating with sticks or the hands. [1/5 definitions]
earl a British nobleman. An earl is of a high rank but below both a prince and a duke.
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth's equator, occurring in March and September. During the equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long all over the world.
feline having to do with cats, both house cats and cats that live in the wild. [2/3 definitions]