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box1 the amount held in a box. [2/5 definitions]
breadbox a kitchen container used for storing bread. It is usually made of metal and has a lid that can move to open or close the box.
briefcase a small case in the shape of a flat box, used for carrying documents or books.
cage a box or space closed in by wire or bars, used to keep and display animals or birds. [1/4 definitions]
camera a device for taking photographs. A camera is a closed box with a small hole that allows light to reach the film inside. The light makes images on the film.
carton a box made of thick paper or of plastic made to hold one particular type of product.
casket a box in which a dead person is buried; coffin.
cereal Cereal is a food made from grain. We often eat cereal for breakfast. It usually comes in a box. Most people eat cereal with milk. [1/2 definitions]
certain When something is certain, it is completely decided about. If you have to wear a certain type of clothes to school, it means you have to wear exactly that type of clothes. When a box holds a certain number of eggs, it means that the box holds that many eggs and no more or less. [1/4 definitions]
chest a large, strong box with a lid, used for holding things. [1/3 definitions]
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
contain When something is contained, it is in or inside of something else. When a food contains salt, it means that the food has salt in it. If a box contains cereal, it means that the box has cereal inside it. [1/2 definitions]
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that contains or can contain something else.
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material. [1/2 definitions]
crib a box from which cattle eat. [1/3 definitions]
cube1 A cube is a solid figure with six square sides. It looks something like a box. All of the six sides of a cube are the same size. The dice that you play some kinds of games with have a shape like a cube. [1/3 definitions]
dialog box A dialog box is a window that appears in a computer program to ask for information from the person using the computer. When you want to print a document, for example, a dialog box appears and asks you how many copies you want.
drawer a box that slides in and out of a desk, dresser, or other piece of furniture.
entire If you have the entire set of books by an author, it means that you have all the books that that author wrote. If your entire collection of rocks is in a big box under your bed, then every rock of your collection is there. [1/2 definitions]
fight to box against. [1/5 definitions]
foam Foam" is a short way of saying "Styrofoam." Styrofoam is the name of a very lightweight material often used to make things like drink cups and packing materials. "Packing materials" means things that are used inside a box to keep other things from breaking. Styrofoam is usually white, and it is full of very tiny holes. The holes are so small, though, that you can't really see them. The name Styrofoam is owned by the company that makes this material. [1/4 definitions]