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biodegradable If something is biodegradable, it can be broken down by the action of living things like bacteria and fungi. Paper is something that is biodegradable. It's not good to litter, but if someone drops a piece of paper in the woods, eventually that paper will break down and become part of the soil. It will not be paper anymore.
biodegrade When something biodegrades, it breaks down because of the action of things like bacteria and fungi. Things like vegetables, meats, and fruits will biodegrade quite quickly. That's why you can't keep them forever, even in the refrigerator. They will eventually break down into tiny substances that are good nutrients for the soil, though.
break down When a machine breaks down, it stops working. Things like cars, trucks, buses, and elevators sometimes break down. [1/2 definitions]
degrade When a substance degrades, it breaks down. The things that make it up begin to change and eventually it falls apart. For example, metal will degrade if it is left outside in the rain for some time. The air and water cause the metal to rust and eventually break down completely. [1/2 definitions]
digest to break down into materials that can be absorbed and used by the body. [1/3 definitions]
digestive system the parts of the body that work together to break down food so that it can be used by the body as energy. The human digestive system includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
disintegrate to come apart; break down into parts or pieces. [2 definitions]
rot When plants rot, they get so old that they begin to change their color, fall apart, and smell bad. When things rot, they break down and decay. [1/2 definitions]
saliva Saliva is the liquid in your mouth that is produced by your body. Saliva helps us to chew and break down food.