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Children's Dictionary
bite of insects or similar small creatures, to break into the skin of (a human or other mammal) in order to feed on blood. [1/10 definitions]
bruise to wound or damage without causing a break in the skin or bone. [2/3 definitions]
crack a narrow break in the surface of something. [1/9 definitions]
crack up (informal) to break into laughter.
crunch to break in a loud way by grinding or crushing. [1/3 definitions]
crush to break into small pieces by pounding, grinding, or some other forceful means. [1/5 definitions]
dash a punctuation mark (--). It is used to show a break in speech or thought. [1/8 definitions]
fault a break in part of the earth's crust that is like a crack in the surface of the earth. A fault can be small or it can be hundreds of miles long. Because of the break between the surfaces, the surfaces can move and become uneven with each other. [1/4 definitions]
fracture to break or cause a break in. [1/3 definitions]
invade to disturb or break into without being asked or wanted; intrude on; violate. [1/2 definitions]
rupture a break in friendly connections between people or nations. [1/3 definitions]
short a break in an electrical circuit; short circuit. [1/9 definitions]
smash to break into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often making a loud noise. [1/10 definitions]