according to |
If you say that a certain movie is good according to your brother, it means that your brother says that the movie is good. You know that some people might not like the movie, but you are saying only what your brother thinks and not what other people might think. [1/2 definitions] |
almost |
If you are almost ready, you are very close to being ready but you are not ready yet. Maybe you just have to put your shoes on. If there were twelve cookies and your brother ate almost all of them, then maybe there are only one or two cookies left. |
anything |
If you like doing anything with your friends, it means that you like whatever you do with your friends. It doesn't matter which thing you do--you're always happy. If your brother will eat anything, it means he doesn't care what he eats. Maybe he will even eat bugs! [2/3 definitions] |
anyway |
Sometimes we use "anyway" to say that something doesn't matter. Let's say your dad tells your brother not to run, but he runs anyway. This means that it doesn't matter that your dad tell him not to run. He runs even though he is told not to. |
as1 |
If Chloe's sister dresses as her best friend does, it means that she dresses in the same way that her friend does. If you can run as fast as your brother runs, it means that you run at the same speed. [1/6 definitions] |
bathe |
If your mom bathes your baby brother, she puts him in some water and washes him. If you bathe your dog, you wash your dog. [1/3 definitions] |
behind |
If your brother is in second grade and you are in fourth grade, he is behind you in school. [1/6 definitions] |
belong to |
If something belongs to you, then it is yours. If something belongs to your brother, then it is his. [1/2 definitions] |
big |
When someone is big, it means that they are older or more grown-up. A big brother is a brother who is older than you. [1/3 definitions] |
blackmail |
Let's say you did something bad and your brother saw you do it. You know he can tell your parents and get you in trouble, but he says he will not tell them what you did if you pay him some money. What your brother is trying to do is to blackmail you. He is trying to get money from you in return for not revealing your secret. [1/2 definitions] |
block |
If your little brother blocks the door to the bathroom, he makes it difficult for you to get into the bathroom. If a tree falls and blocks the road, cars can't get through. [1/3 definitions] |
brother |
Your brother is a boy or man who has the same mother or father as you. |
brother-in-law |
the brother of one's husband or wife. [1/2 definitions] |
clause |
A clause is something in grammar. A clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb that goes with it. A clause can be a whole sentence, or it can be one part of a sentence. Some sentences have many clauses. In the sentence "I had a bad dream because my brother told me something scary," there are two clauses connected by the word "because." "I had a bad dream" is the first clause, and "my brother told me something scary" is the second clause. The subject in the first clause is "I," and the verb is "had." The subject in the second clause is "my brother," and the verb is "told." |
close |
When you are strongly connected to someone, we say you are close to that person. A close friend is a friend you trust and especially like to be with. A close relative is someone like a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or grandparent. [1/9 definitions] |
cup |
A cup is a certain amount of something. We measure things like water, milk, sugar, cereal, flour, fruit, or vegetables in cups. A cup is an exact amount, so if you have one cup of cereal and your brother does too, you both have the same amount of cereal exactly. A small juice glass might hold about one cup of liquid. A can of soda holds one and a half cups of soda. A short way to write cup or cups is "c." [1/5 definitions] |
equal |
Someone who is your equal is the same as you, and not more or less than you. If your brother is your equal at playing football, it means that your brother has the same skill as you do in football. He is no better and no worse. When people are equals as human beings, they deserve the same amount of respect and the same rights as each other. [1/4 definitions] |
even |
Sometimes we use even when something is surprising or the opposite of what someone might expect. If you say "Even my little brother can play this game," we understand that it is a surprising thing that he can play it. Maybe it's not surprising that other people can play it, but the fact that your little brother can also play it means that the game must be very simple. [1/11 definitions] |
example |
An example is someone that you should try to be like or try not to be like. If your older brother is a good example for you, then it will be good for you if you act like him. If a friend of yours is mean to your cat and you start being mean to the cat too, then your friend is a bad example for you. [1/3 definitions] |
for |
When a gift is for your dad, it means that your dad is the person who will get the gift. When you watch your little brother for your mom, you do it because you want to help her or because she asked you to do it. [1/10 definitions] |
good |
When your dog is good, it means that the dog is behaving the way you want it to. If your little brother is being good, he is not doing anything wrong or upsetting anyone. [1/12 definitions] |