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bump When you bump something, you knock against it or hit it, often by accident. [4 definitions]
bumper car one of a number of miniature electric cars that are part of an amusement at a fair or carnival. People ride in the cars and try to bump into other cars or escape from being bumped. The cars are designed to be safe and enjoyable for the riders.
clumsy If someone is clumsy, they sometimes use their hands, arms, and legs in ways that are awkward and are not how they would like to move. They sometimes drop things or fall over things or bump into things. They do things like this more often than most other people.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force. [1/2 definitions]
goose pimple a small bump on the skin caused by cold or fear.
jar2 to crash into or bump so as to cause movement; jolt. [2/4 definitions]
jostle to push, crowd, or bump into on purpose. [2 definitions]
knock to bump or crash. [1/6 definitions]
lump a bump or swelling. [1/4 definitions]
swelling A swelling is a bump on your skin or somewhere inside your body. It is a bump that is not usual and may be caused by an injury, like an insect sting or an animal bite, or by an illness. [1/2 definitions]