Reverse Search
Reverse Search allows you to search within the full text of dictionary entries for words, word parts, and phrases.
Search for entries that contain:
Exact matches of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or the word "orange."
Any form of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or "apples" or "orange" or "oranges."
Exact matches of all of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" and the word "orange."
The exact sequence of words and/or characters entered in the search box (for example, a fragment of a word, a single word, multiple words, or even a phrase containing punctuation)
Example: Searching for "a variety of apple" identifies all entries that contain that phrase. Searching for "app" identifies all entries that contain the letters "app," such as occurrences of "apple," "application," and "apply."
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bun |
a hair style shaped like a bun. The hair is gathered at the back or top of the head. [1/2 definitions] |
hamburger |
A hamburger is a sandwich made with cooked ground meat that has been made into a flat, round shape. Hamburgers are usually served in a round roll called a bun. The meat used for hamburgers is also called hamburger, and this meat comes from cows or other cattle. |
hot dog |
A hot dog is a long, cooked sausage that is usually reddish-brown in color. You eat it in a soft roll called a "bun." [1/2 definitions] |