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Children's Dictionary
a2 used to introduce one particular thing or person of a group or kind, but one which is not considered known to the listener. [1/3 definitions]
accessory a person who helps another person break the law but does not actually commit the crime. [1/2 definitions]
acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well. [1/2 definitions]
admonish to find fault with or correct in a mild but firm way. [1/2 definitions]
ale an alcoholic drink that is like beer but more bitter.
alien a living being from another planet; extraterrestrial. There is no evidence that aliens exist, but many people believe there is life on other planets. [1/5 definitions]
a little sometimes, but not really often. [1/5 definitions]
alligator a large reptile with short legs, a long body and tail, and a long, wide snout. Alligators are protected by thick skin with many hard bumps. They live in rivers, lakes, swamps, and other bodies of water in the southeast United States and in China. They usually eat insects, fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and other water animals, but have been known to attack small land mammals. They are closely related to crocodiles. Chinese alligators are endangered because their habitat is being changed by people.
all right in a satisfactory but not outstanding way; well enough. [1/4 definitions]
anaconda a very large snake found in South America. Anacondas are not poisonous but kill other animals by squeezing them until they cannot breathe. Anacondas can grow to over twenty feet long.
anteater a mammal that uses its long, sticky tongue to eat ants and termites. True anteaters have no teeth, are furry, and live in Central or South America. They are related to armadillos and sloths. Other kinds of mammals that eat ants are also sometimes called anteaters, but they are not related to American anteaters.
antelope the American pronghorn, an animal that looks like some of the true antelopes but is not closely related. [1/2 definitions]
anthrax an infectious, often fatal disease. Anthrax usually infects sheep or cattle, but can infect humans as well.
apparent seeming to be so at first, but not necessarily so. [1/3 definitions]
ass a mammal with long legs and hooves that is closely related to the horse. A donkey is a domestic ass. Asses look like horses but are smaller and have longer ears. Wild asses live in Africa and Asia and are in danger of becoming extinct. [1/2 definitions]
at ease a standing position in the military. When at ease, soldiers may relax but must stay in place and cannot talk.
b a grade given for good, but not excellent, schoolwork. [1/3 definitions]
bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease. Bacteria are each made up of only one cell, but different kinds of bacteria can take different shapes. These organisms live in all parts of the earth including oceans, deserts, glaciers, hot springs, and in the bodies of most living things. While some kinds of bacteria are dangerous, most kinds are useful because they help in the digestion of food, in the making of soil, in the creation of medicines, and in many other natural processes.
bacterium singular form of "bacteria." Bacteria are tiny living things made up of one cell each. Bacteria live in most living things and in all parts of the earth. Most bacteria are useful to people, but some are harmful because they can cause disease.
bison a very large mammal with a large head, humped shoulders, and short curved horns. Bison used to roam the plains of North America in large herds, but they were hunted until they were almost extinct. North American bison are also called buffalo, but they are not related to the true buffalo of Africa and Asia. Bison have hooves and are closely related to cattle. Bison eat only plants and chew their cud. [1/2 definitions]
blouse a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, usually by women and girls. A blouse is similar to a shirt, but it may have more detailed sewing or more decoration, or it may be made of a fancier fabric such as satin or silk. A blouse is worn with either a skirt or pants.