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Children's Dictionary
a1 the sixth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
b the seventh note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
Buddhism a religion from Asia, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha. Buddhism teaches freedom from the self and from one's wants.
c1 the first note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
carbon a chemical element found in all living things. Pure carbon occurs as diamond or graphite. It is also often found in compounds with other elements. (symbol: C)
cedilla a mark ( ¸ ). It is placed under certain letters to change that letter's pronunciation in French, where "ç" has the sound of "s."
Celsius relating to a temperature scale on which water freezes at zero degrees and boils at one hundred degrees; centigrade. (abbreviated: C)
c/o used to show that something is being sent to one person at another person's address. "C/o" is an abbreviation of "care of."
c.o.d. abbreviation of "collect on delivery," or "cash on delivery." Ordering an item c.o.d. means that payment is not required until the goods arrive.
computer language a system of words and symbols that is used to program a computer; code. There are hundreds of computer languages, such as C, Cheetah, and JavaScript.
cup a unit of measure equal to eight fluid ounces or one half pint. (abbreviated: c) [1/5 definitions]
d the second note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
e the third note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
f the fourth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
g2 the fifth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
Homer a Greek poet who is thought to have lived around the eighth century B.C.
hundred the word for the Arabic numeral 100 and by the Roman numeral C. [1/4 definitions]
Jesus Christ the teacher and prophet who founded the Christian faith. He is considered by Christians to be the son of God and the Christ or savior. Jesus lived from about 4 B.C. to 29 A.D.
Potomac a river of the eastern United States. It flows from West Virginia along the border of Washington, D.C., and into the Atlantic Ocean.
Roman numeral a letter used as a number in the ancient Roman number system. The letter I equals 1, V equals 5, X equals 10, L equals 50, C equals 100, D equals 500, and M equals 1,000. In this system, a letter followed by one of equal or lesser value means the two are added; seven is VII, or 5+1+1. A letter followed by one of greater value means that the first is subtracted from the second; four hundred is CD, or 500-100.
scurvy a disease caused by not having enough vitamin C in the diet. A person with scurvy is usually very weak and has bleeding gums.