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articulated lorry a British word for a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer that carries goods over long distances. "Articulated lorry" often has the same meaning as "tractor-trailer."
cab1 A cab is a car that people can pay money to ride in if they need to go somewhere. Another person drives the car, and people pay their money to that person. Another word for "cab" is "taxi." [2 definitions]
semitrailer a large trailer used for carrying freight. The trailer is attached at the front to the tractor cab that pulls it.
taxi A taxi is a car that takes people where they want to go. People pay money to ride in a taxi. They pay their money to a driver, who sits in the front. In big cities in America, taxis are often yellow. The word taxi comes from the longer word taxicab. Most people don't use the longer word anymore, but sometimes people use the word cab for the same meaning as taxi. [1/2 definitions]
tractor-trailer a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer or semitrailer attached to it. Tractor-trailers are used to transport goods over long distances.