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Children's Dictionary
CA an abbreviation of "California."
Cal.2 an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the west coast.
Hollywood an area within the city of Los Angeles, California where many movies are made and that is often seen as representing the U.S. film industry.
Los Angeles a city in the U.S. state of California, on the Pacific Ocean.
Mojave Desert a very dry region of southern California.
pony express a system of delivering the mail using riders on horseback. The pony express ran between St. Louis, Missouri and Sacramento, California during 1860 and 1861.
San Francisco a city in the U.S. state of California on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and a large bay.
sea otter a mammal with thick brown fur, a long body, a flat tail, and short legs. Sea otters live mostly in the Pacific Ocean in areas near the coast of California and Alaska.
sequoia a very large evergreen tree that grows in California; redwood or giant sequoia.