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aardvark An aardvark is an animal with a long nose, long ears, short fur, and powerful claws for digging. Aardvarks dig so that they can find insects to eat. Aardvarks live in Africa and make their homes in burrows.
able When you are able to do something, it means that you can do it. If someone is able to walk, it means that they can walk. [1/2 definitions]
above When something is higher than something else in number, amount, or level, we can say that it is above it. The number ten is above the number nine, for example. [1/4 definitions]
abscess a sore that forms within the tissues of the body and is filled with pus. Abscesses can be caused by an infection.
absolute If someone's power or authority is absolute, it means that it has no limits. If a king has absolute power, he can make whatever laws he wants and can break any laws he wants. [2/4 definitions]
abuse When you abuse something, you use it in a way that is wrong or bad. If people abuse pills, for example, they take them in a different way from how the doctor tells them to take them. This can be dangerous. [1/4 definitions]
accepted When you feel accepted, you feel that people around you approve of you. People in your group think you're OK, and you can feel comfortable with them. [1/2 definitions]
access Access is a way of entering or getting to a place. A door gives access to a room or a building. A bridge can give access to an island. [1/3 definitions]
accessible If a place is accessible, you can get to it, or you can get into it. Some places are accessible only by certain means.
accessory In law, an accessory is a person who helps another person so that they can break the law or so that they can avoid getting caught. An accessory helps in some way but doesn't actually take part in the crime of the other person. An accessory gives help before or after the crime is committed. Although it is not as serious, being an accessory is also a crime. [1/2 definitions]
accommodate If a hotel room accommodates four people, it has room for four people. Four people can use the space comfortably. If an elevator can accommodate twelve people, it means that it can hold twelve people. [2/3 definitions]
account If you have an account at a bank, it means that you can keep your money there. You can put more money into your account or take money out of your account when you need it. The bank sends a letter by mail each month to tell you how much money you have in your account. Some people don't get a letter but see their account on their computers. [2/5 definitions]
ace a serve in tennis that wins a point because the other player can not reach the ball. [1/5 definitions]
acid An acid is a kind of chemical substance. When something has a lot of acid in it, like lemons, it tastes sour. We eat and drink many things that contain acid. A very strong acid can be dangerous, though. It can burn something that it touches. [1/2 definitions]
acrobat a person who can do physical acts that take balance and skill.
act An act can be the process of doing something. If someone is in the act of writing on the wall, they have already started writing on it and are planning to keep doing it. [2/9 definitions]
action The word "action" can mean a lot of things happening quickly or at the same time. [1/5 definitions]
adapt When a person adapts to a new situation, they make changes in the way they think or the way they do things. They adapt so that they can live or be happier under new conditions. If a plant or animal adapts, it changes its body or behavior so that it can live under new conditions, such as having to live in a new place or in a different climate. [2 definitions]
adaptable If something is adaptable, people can make changes to it so that it can serve a different purpose or work in a new way. [1/2 definitions]
adaptation Adaptation is the process of adapting. When living things adapt, they change over a long period of time so that they can survive in new conditions and continue to multiply. [2/3 definitions]
addiction If a person has an addiction, their body sends out signals that they must continue to take or take more of a certain a drug or similar substance. These signals cause a desire for the drug that is very, very strong, and it can make people do things that they would not normally do just to get it. Addiction is something that can ruin people's lives. Some drugs cause addiction, but most drugs that people take as medicine do not.