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Children's Dictionary
cardinal an official of the Roman Catholic Church who is chosen by the pope and is second in rank to him. [1/3 definitions]
catholic (capitalized) having to do with the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions]
friar a man who is a member of a Roman Catholic order; monk.
Mass a religious ceremony in the Roman Catholic and certain other churches. At a Mass, people seek communion with God.
pope (often capitalized) the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Protestant a Christian who belongs to a church other than the Catholic Church or an Eastern Orthodox church.
saint one who has died and been formally recognized by the Roman Catholic or other Christian church as having lived a holy life or as having died in the service of God. A saint holds a special place of honor within the Church. (abbr.: St. or Ste.) [1/3 definitions]
Vatican City a small, independent state within the city of Rome, Italy. Vatican City is ruled by the pope of the Catholic Church.