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careful taking care in one's actions; cautious. [1/2 definitions]
carefully in a careful or cautious manner; with care.
cautious If you are cautious, you are very careful and try to keep out of danger or trouble.
reckless If you are reckless, you don't care about possible danger and you don't act in a safe or cautious way.
safe careful; cautious. [1/5 definitions]
tricky If something is tricky, it's difficult in a certain way and takes a special skill or technique to do it or to solve it. Usually, you have to be careful or cautious when you do something that is tricky. Sometimes it doesn't let you make any mistakes when you try to do it. [1/2 definitions]
wary If you are wary, you are cautious about something. You are careful about what you believe or who you trust. You guard yourself against something that might hurt you.