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centimeter A centimeter is a certain length. We might say that a short pencil is ten centimeters long, for example. When we measure something in centimeters, we are using a system of measuring called the metric system. When we use the metric system, we don't use measuring words like inch and foot. We use words like centimeter and meter. A centimeter is pretty short. A centimeter is about as long as a ladybug or maybe the tip of your little finger. A short way to write centimeter is "cm."
cm abbreviation of "centimeter" or "centimeters."
meter1 A meter is a certain length. You might say that a baseball bat is one meter long, for example. When we measure something in meters, we are using a system of measuring called the metric system. When we use the metric system, we don't use measuring words like foot and inch. We use words like meter and centimeter. A meter is a little longer than three feet, and three feet is equal to 36 inches, about the length of some baseball bats. A short way to write meter is "m."
millimeter A millimeter is a unit of length in the metric system. It is very small. It takes about 25 millimeters to equal one inch. One hundred millimeters is equal to one centimeter, which is about one and half inches. (abbreviated: mm)