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A.D. A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin words "anno domini." The abbreviation A.D. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 A.D." The year after that is called "2 A.D." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. Instead of "A.D.," though, people often use "C.E." nowadays, which stands for "Common Era" or "Christian Era."
B.C.1 B.C. is an abbreviation of the words "before Christ." The abbreviation B.C. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before Jesus Christ was born. The year before Christ was born is called "1 B.C." The year before that is called "2 B.C." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses Christ's birth in this way. Instead of "B.C.," though, people often use "BCE" nowadays, which stands for "before the Common Era." The words are different but it also refers to the birth of Jesus Christ.
B.C.E. B.C.E. is an abbreviation of the words "before the Common Era." This abbreviation is often used for dates in history. The abbreviation B.C.E. (or "BCE") is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before Jesus Christ was born. The year before Jesus Christ was born is called "1 B.C.E." The year before that is called "2 B.C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and Jesus Christ is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses the year of Christ's birth in this way. "B.C.E." replaces an older abbreviation, which is "B.C."
Bible the main sacred writings of Judaism and Christianity. The writings of Judaism are made up of the Old Testament, while those of Christianity are made up of both the Old and New Testaments. [1/3 definitions]
C.E. "C.E." is an abbreviation of the words "Common Era "or "Christian Era." It is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 C.E." The year after that is called "2 C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. "A.D." is an older abbreviation" that gives the same meaning as "C.E."
Christian A Christian is a believer in the religion of Christianity. Christians believe there is one powerful God who created the world and everything in it. Christians believe that Jesus Christ, a person who lived 2000 years ago, is the son of God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ brought understanding of God to human beings and taught people how to please God by being good to others. [1/2 definitions]
Christianity Christianity is one of the major religions of the world. Most people whose religion is Christianity live in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia, South Korea, and the Philippines. People who believe in Christianity are called Christians.
Christmas Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated in the religion of Christianity. The holiday is on December 25 every year. It celebrates the birth of Christ, whose life began the religion of Christianity. People often celebrate Christmas by going to church, decorating a tree with pretty lights, and giving gifts. Many people who are not Christians also enjoy the traditions of Christmas by putting up a Christmas tree and giving presents.
cross something in the shape of a cross that is used as a symbol for Christianity. [1/10 definitions]
devil (often capitalized) the chief spirit of evil in Christianity. The Devil is the master of Hell and enemy of God; Satan. [1/3 definitions]
religious When something is religious, it has to do with people's belief in a god or gods. A religious idea is an idea that has to do with religion in general or with a particular religion, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, or Hinduism. [1/3 definitions]
saint one who is honored as being holy in a religion other than Christianity. [1/3 definitions]
Saint Patrick's Day Saint Patrick's Day is a holiday when people from Ireland celebrate the coming of Christianity to their country. Saint Patrick's Day is on March 17 every year. In the United States, people whose family came from Ireland celebrate being Irish, and people who are not Irish enjoy pretending to be Irish for just one day! They do this by wearing green, which is a symbol of Ireland.
Satan the supreme evil spirit in Christianity and Judaism. Satan is considered to be the enemy of humans, the rival of God, and the ruler of hell; the Devil.
Vatican City Vatican City is an important center for the religion of Christianity. Vatican City makes up a tiny part of the city of Rome in the country of Italy. Even though Vatican City is located in Italy, it has a completely independent government.