about |
"About" sometimes means "near" or "close to." If you are about the same age as your friend, it means that you are near the same age. [2/9 definitions] |
affectionate |
When a person is affectionate, they do things to show their love or liking for other people or animals. Affectionate people often kiss or hug the people or animals that they care about, and they might also call them by sweet names like "Honey" or "Sweetheart." There are other ways that affectionate people show their love too. Also, we sometimes say that animals are affectionate if they do things that show they feel close to us. |
almost |
If you are almost ready, you are very close to being ready but you are not ready yet. Maybe you just have to put your shoes on. If there were twelve cookies and your brother ate almost all of them, then maybe there are only one or two cookies left. |
analyze |
to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain. |
approach |
When something gets close to or nearly equal to something, we can say it approaches it. If the temperature is approaching one hundred degrees, for example, it means it is getting near one hundred degrees. It is almost equal to one hundred degrees now. [1/6 definitions] |
approximate |
to be quite like; come close to. [1/4 definitions] |
ask |
When you want someone to do something, you often ask them. When you ask someone to close the door, you might say, "Please close the door" or "Would you close the door?" [1/5 definitions] |
assault |
an attack made by armed forces, that often ends in close fighting. [1/4 definitions] |
attentive |
paying close attention. [1/2 definitions] |
barnacle |
A barnacle is a small sea animal that lives in water close to the shore. Like crabs and lobsters, barnacles grow a shell around their bodies. When a barnacle is an adult, it attaches its shell to rocks, the bottom of boats, or other hard surfaces. |
bayonet |
a weapon like a knife attached to the front end of a rifle for use in close fighting. |
beware |
When someone tells you to beware of something, they mean that you should be careful of that thing because it could hurt you. Probably you should not get close to it. |
blink |
to close and open the eyes very quickly. [1/2 definitions] |
block |
to close off or obstruct by putting something in the way. [1/9 definitions] |
board |
to close or cover using boards (often followed by "up"). [1/8 definitions] |
bolt1 |
to close or attach with a bolt or with something like a bolt. [1/8 definitions] |
bosom |
very close; intimate [1/2 definitions] |
breadbox |
a kitchen container used for storing bread. It is usually made of metal and has a lid that can move to open or close the box. |
brink |
The brink of something is the point just before a major change or event happens or could happen. If a country is on the brink of war, they are very close to being at war. The war could start even today or tomorrow. [1/2 definitions] |
brotherhood |
a warm and close feeling between brothers or between people who feel like they are family. [1/2 definitions] |
bunt1 |
to tap with a baseball or softball bat so that the ball lands close by. [1/2 definitions] |