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Children's Dictionary
combine a machine used to harvest crops. A combine cuts and cleans the grain. [1/2 definitions]
compound1 to mix or combine. [1/6 definitions]
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
fuse2 to cause to combine by melting together or as if by melting together. [1/4 definitions]
krypton a gas that is a chemical element. Krypton does not combine easily with other elements. (symbol: Kr)
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
oxidize to combine with oxygen. [1/2 definitions]
root1 the part of a word to which other word parts, such as suffixes and prefixes, can be added--or a free-standing word with no other word parts. The word "heat" is a free-standing word that also functions as a root. When you combine this root with the prefix "pre-," for example, you get a new word, "preheat," that means to heat up in advance. [1/9 definitions]
twist to combine by winding together in order to make a single thread. [1/18 definitions]
unite to join together into a whole; combine. [1/3 definitions]