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abandon If you abandon something that you have, you go away from it without any plan to return to get it. If someone abandons an animal or another person, they leave them and don't plan to ever come back. [1/3 definitions]
abandoned An abandoned thing is a thing that somebody has left behind without any plan to come back to it.
accept to regard as something that one cannot change or avoid; to come to a neutral opinion about, or at least come to the point of no longer putting up a fight. [1/5 definitions]
acquire to get or come to have as one's own.
advance to come or move forward. [1/8 definitions]
agree to come to an understanding or a shared decision. [1/5 definitions]
agreement When two people come to an agreement about something, it means that they now think the same way about it. [1/4 definitions]
ahead "Ahead" means in the future or in the time to come. [1/3 definitions]
airport An airport is a large area of land where airplanes come and go and get fuel for their engines. When you are going on a trip by airplane, you first go to an airport.
alight1 to come to rest. [1/2 definitions]
alliance When different people or groups form an alliance, they come together because they have the same goal and they agree to work together to reach that goal.
allure If something has allure, it has the power to attract people. It makes people want it or want to come to it. [1/2 definitions]
ambition When you have ambition, you have big goals for your life that you want to make come true. When you have a particular ambition, you have a certain goal that you want to reach. Probably you will try hard to have success in reaching it.
American An American is a person who was born in the United States. Some people who come from other countries also become Americans when they pass a test in English about the government and history of America. [1/4 definitions]
Andorra Andorra is a small country in Europe. It is located in the mountains between Spain and France. People often come to Andorra to go skiing.
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people come to Antigua and Barbuda to enjoy the sandy beaches and the beautiful sea.
appeal If someone appeals a decision of a court of law, it means that they think the decision was wrong and they make a request to a higher court to look at the case again. They hope that when the higher court reviews the case, they will come to a different decision. [1/6 definitions]
appear to come into view; become visible. [2/3 definitions]
appointment When you have an appointment with someone, you have a plan and a time for meeting them. If you make an appointment with the doctor, it means that you set up a time to come in to see the doctor.
approach to come or go near to. [1/6 definitions]
approximate to be quite like; come close to. [1/4 definitions]