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accessory a person who helps another person break the law but does not actually commit the crime. [1/2 definitions]
back to give support to; commit to helping. [1/10 definitions]
betray to help the enemy of; commit treason. [1/2 definitions]
break the law If you break the law, you do something that is not allowed by the law. If you break the law, you commit a crime.
commit When you commit your time, your money, or your effort to something, you make a promise to give these things to help or support something. You make this promise and you also do what you promise. Sometimes the promise is just one you make to yourself, and sometimes the promise is to do things that are necessary to help yourself. [2 definitions]
foul to commit a foul against in a game or sport. [1/11 definitions]
study to commit to memory; learn. [1/10 definitions]