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communication Communication is the giving of messages, information, or ideas to other people.
contact communication. [2/3 definitions]
developing of a country or region, in a relatively low state of development, especially with regard to things like technology, transportation, and communication. [1/2 definitions]
Hausa a language of parts of Nigeria and Niger in Africa. Hausa is also used in and near these countries as a means of communication between people who do not share the same native language but know Hausa to some degree.
hear to receive information or some form of communication. [1/5 definitions]
interactive allowing two-way communication between a computer and a person. [1/2 definitions]
intercom a system or device that allows communication from room to room.
medium A medium is a way of communicating with a lot of people at one time. Television is one medium of communication. Newspapers are another medium. When we talk about more than one "medium" of communication, we use the word "media." Television, newspapers, and radio are all media. [1/6 definitions]
message a public speech or other official communication. [1/4 definitions]
modem an electronic device that allows information to be sent from or to a computer using telephone lines or other lines of communication.
over "Over" sometimes means "by way of." If you talk over the telephone, it means that you talk by way of the telephone. We often use "over" in this way when we talk about things used for communication. [1/16 definitions]
prayer1 communication with a divine being as a means of worship or giving thanks. [1/6 definitions]