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attraction a movie, concert, or other event that many people want to see. [1/3 definitions]
audience An audience is a group of people who come together to see or hear something. If you go to hear a concert, you are part of the audience. [1/3 definitions]
concert A concert is a kind of show with music. People sing or play musical instruments at a concert.
debut a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film. [1/2 definitions]
live2 If you are watching a live TV show, it means that what you are seeing on TV is happening right now. The actors are performing in front of cameras at the same time you are watching the show at home. If you go to a live concert, you see real people playing or singing while you watch. [1/4 definitions]
occasion An occasion is a time of something happening or of someone doing something. If you had an occasion of helping your dad wash the car, it means that you had a time when you did that. If you went to a concert on three occasions, you went to a concert three times. [1/3 definitions]
opening a beginning of a book, play, concert, movie, or game. [1/5 definitions]
recital a concert of music or dance that is meant to demonstrate the ability of the performers. [1/2 definitions]
rehearsal the act or process of practicing for a play, concert or other performance.
rehearse to practice for a show, play, concert, or other performance.
rock2 A rock concert is a concert where rock-'n'-roll music is played. A rock musician is a performer who plays rock-'n'-roll music. A rock song is a song in the style of rock-'n'-roll. [1/6 definitions]
symphony a concert orchestra; symphony orchestra. [1/2 definitions]