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architect a person who designs buildings and directs their construction.
collapse to have a construction which permits folding. [1/5 definitions]
construction the act or process of building or construction. [2/3 definitions]
hard hat a strong hat made of hard plastic. It protects the heads of people who work in dangerous places such as mines or construction areas.
Liberia Liberia is a country in Africa. It lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is between the countries of Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. Liberia has flat land near the coast, and it has hills covered with rainforest or grass. It also has low mountains. People in Liberia produce coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, rubber for tires, and wood for construction.
weave the pattern or construction of a fabric. [1/6 definitions]
work Something called a "works" is a place where some kind of thing is produced, especially things that are used for fuel or construction. [1/12 definitions]