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Children's Dictionary
bill1 a written list showing the cost of items bought or services provided. [1/4 definitions]
costly of high cost or value.
discount to take away from a cost or price. [2/3 definitions]
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost. [1/2 definitions]
extravagance something done or bought at a very high cost. [1/2 definitions]
free without cost. [2/10 definitions]
frugal small in amount or cost; meager. [1/2 definitions]
highly at a high cost. [1/3 definitions]
hostel a place that offers shelter at a low cost for young people who are traveling.
humble low in cost, rank, or position; simple. [1/3 definitions]
inexpensive low or moderate in cost.
price the cost of a particular result or gain. [1/5 definitions]
rate1 price or cost. [1/6 definitions]
saving a lower price or cost. [1/2 definitions]
sponsor a business or a person who pays the cost of a radio or television program in exchange for showing commercials during the program. [1/5 definitions]