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costume A costume is something you wear to make you look like some other person, animal, or thing. People wear costumes when they act in a play, and sometimes they wear them just for fun. [2 definitions]
disguise something worn, such as a costume, mask, or the like, to hide one's identity. [1/4 definitions]
dress rehearsal the last full rehearsal of a play or other production before performance, done in full costume.
dress up When you dress up, you put on special clothes and things just as a costume for fun. [1/2 definitions]
masquerade to wear a costume. [1/4 definitions]
swimming costume a British word for a garment worn for swimming. "Swimming costume" has the same meaning as "bathing suit."
trick-or-treat to take part in the Halloween custom of visiting neighbors while wearing a costume and asking for candy or other treats by saying the words "trick or treat!"