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Children's Dictionary
bronchitis a swelling and soreness of the bronchial tubes. Bronchitis causes a bad cough.
cough to release air noisily from the lungs. A cough results from illness or from breathing in foreign matter. [2/4 definitions]
cough drop a medication in the form of a small piece of hard candy, used for soothing a cough or sore throat.
lozenge a small piece of hard candy that contains medicine. A lozenge is held in the mouth and sucked to ease a sore throat or cough.
whooping cough a disease of the respiratory system that is especially serious in children. Whooping cough is marked by heavy coughing that makes breathing difficult, and sometimes a high-pitched sound is produced as air is inhaled while coughing. The diseased is passed easily from one person to another. Another word for "whooping cough" is "pertussis."