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absurd If something is absurd, it makes no sense at all. There is no logic to it. It's crazy or ridiculous.
around the bend (informal) crazy; insane.
commotion When there is commotion, something is happening and there is noisy activity and excitement. Sometimes there is commotion when something good just happened and people start celebrating in a crazy and noisy way, but often there is commotion when people are suddenly afraid or angry. They may be fighting, yelling, pushing at each other, or breaking things.
crazy "Crazy" is a word people sometimes use to describe someone whose mind is not working right. We sometimes say someone is crazy if they act in a way that is very strange, or if they say very strange things. [4 definitions]
cuckoo (slang) crazy or foolish. [1/2 definitions]
flip1 If we say that someone flips, or flips out, we mean that they get very excited in a crazy way. It could be because they are suddenly very happy or very angry. [1/6 definitions]
insane very foolish or silly. [1/2 definitions]
kook (slang) a person considered to be strange or crazy.
logical When something is logical, it makes sense. It's not crazy or stupid. [1/3 definitions]
mad crazy; insane. [1/6 definitions]
nut (slang) a foolish or crazy person. [1/4 definitions]
order If there is order, things are in their proper or logical place, or things are happening in a normal or logical way. When there is order, things are not messy, crazy, or out of control. [1/9 definitions]
rational in control of one's mind; not insane or crazy. [1/3 definitions]
rave to talk in a strange, irrational, or crazy way. [1/2 definitions]
ridiculous When something is ridiculous, it makes no sense, or people think it is crazy or stupid. People often laugh at things that are ridiculous. People usually don't like to do things that make them look ridiculous. They don't want other people to laugh at them.
wild crazy; out of control. [2/7 definitions]