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aerobics (used with a singular or plural verb) a form of exercise that works the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, or dance are forms of aerobics.
aesthetic having to do with beauty or art, including literature, dance, music, painting, drawing, and sculpture.
audition An audition is a short performance that someone gives to just a few people to show how well they can act, dance, sing, or play an instrument. When someone does an audition, they hope that the people watching will choose them to be in their play, movie, or something like that. Sometimes people have to give an audition in order to be part of a musical group or to get into a special school. For example, if they want to get into a school of music or dance, they might have to give an audition.
ball2 A ball is a very large and fancy party where people dance. People usually wear their best and most beautiful clothes to a ball. A ball might be held at a palace or other very grand place.
ballet a form of dance that uses exact, graceful movements. [1/2 definitions]
castanet one of a pair of wooden or ivory instruments that are partly hollowed out. They are held in the hand and clicked together to the rhythms of Spanish dance music.
chorus a group of people who sing and dance together in a show but do not play the parts of the main characters. [1/3 definitions]
concert a musical or dance performance before an audience; recital.
conga a dance from Cuba performed by people following a leader around the dance area in single file. [1/2 definitions]
cruise A cruise is a pleasure trip on a ship. When people take a cruise, they usually sleep in rooms on the ship and spend several days or more traveling around just for fun. On a big cruise ship, there are a lot of things for people to do, like play games, swim in the swimming pool, dance, watch movies, or eat in one of the dining rooms. Sometimes the ship stops in places where people can get off and go exploring or do shopping. [1/4 definitions]
dance to move the feet and body in a rhythmic way, usually to music. [5/7 definitions]
disc jockey a person whose job is to play recorded music on the radio or for an event such as a dance.
disco a style of popular dance music with a heavy, steady beat. [1/2 definitions]
folk dance A dance made up and handed down by the common people of a region or country. [2 definitions]
formal a dance or other social event to which formal clothing is worn. [1/5 definitions]
grace Grace is beauty and harmony in the way a person or thing moves or appears. If you dance with grace, you move in a beautiful way with your body in perfect balance. [1/2 definitions]
grouse1 a plump game bird with dull, spotted feathers. The male does a complicated dance or call for the female.
jig2 a fast, lively dance. [3/4 definitions]
level A level is like a line that shows how high something is. If there has been a lot of rain, the level of a river will be high. If there has been no rain, the level of the river will be low. If the level of a dance class is high, then it has students who have already studied a lot. If a student is a beginner, they need a class at a lower level. [1/9 definitions]
little If your brother studies little on the weekends, it means that he doesn't spend much time studying on the weekends. If you dance very little, it means that you don't dance much at all. [1/7 definitions]
love When you have a love for something, you have a lot of interest in it and you like it a lot. If you have a love for dancing, you probably like to dance very much and maybe you like to watch dancing very much too. [1/4 definitions]