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antelope An antelope is an animal with long horns, a long neck, long legs, and hooves on their feet. Antelopes are known for being able to run fast, and they look somewhat similar to deer. Most antelopes live in Africa, but some live in Asia too.
antler one of a pair of bony growths on the head of most kinds of deer. Male elk, moose, and white-tailed deer all grow antlers with branches or prongs. Deer grow new antlers every year. Caribou and reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both the males and the females.
buck1 an adult male deer, goat, or rabbit. Adult males of some similar animals are also called bucks.
buckskin the skin of a deer. [2 definitions]
caribou an animal with long legs and a long neck. Caribou are mammals with antlers and hooves. They live in the northern part of North America. Caribou are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. Both male and female caribou have antlers.
deer a mammal with short fur, long legs, and a long neck. Deer have hooves on their feet and can run very fast. The males of most kinds of deer grow and shed antlers every year. Deer are herbivores that chew their cud. Caribou, elk, moose, reindeer, and white-tailed deer are all kinds of deer.
doe an adult female deer, goat, or rabbit. Adult females of some similar animals are also called does.
elk a large deer found in northern Europe and Asia. It has large antlers shaped like a palm with spread fingers. In North America the same kind of animal is called a moose. [2 definitions]
Estonia Estonia is a country in Europe. It is next to Russia and Latvia. Estonia is also on the shore of a sea called the Baltic. Estonia has many islands in the sea. Much of Estonia is covered by forests. It is home to many deer, badgers, bears, and foxes. Most people in Estonia work for businesses in the cities, though. The language of Estonia is Estonian. It is similar to the language of Finland.
fawn1 a young deer, especially one that is still drinking its mother's milk.
game wild animals, such as deer and rabbits, that can be caught and used as food. [1/5 definitions]
hoof the hard, tough covering on the feet of certain mammals such as horses, pigs, and deer. [1/2 definitions]
horn a hard, hollow growth on the head of certain mammals. Deer, cows, and sheep are some animals that have horns. Horns usually grow in pairs. [1/3 definitions]
hunt When an animal hunts other animals, it tries to find and catch them for its food. Large birds like eagles and hawks hunt small animals like mice. Lions hunt larger animals like zebras. People sometimes hunt animals too. They often hunt animals like deer and wild birds. [1/5 definitions]
hunting Hunting is the activity of trying to catch or kill animals, such as deer, wolves, or ducks, for food or for sport.
jerky2 beef or deer meat that has been cut into long pieces and dried. Drying the meat preserves it so that it can be eaten at a later time.
jump If you jump something, you leap over it. If a deer jumps a fence, it means that the deer leaps over the fence. [1/10 definitions]
Latvia Latvia is a country in Europe. It lies on a sea called the Baltic. Two of its neighbors are Estonia and Lithuania. Latvia has many hills and plains, and there are many rivers. Latvia has done many things to protect the plants and animals in the country. Although Latvia has large cities with many businesses and factories, it is also home to animals such as deer, bears, eagles, beavers, and wolves.
Macedonia Macedonia is a region in Europe. Part of it is in Greece and part of it is in the country of Northern Macedonia. Macedonia has many mountains and three very large lakes. It is home to deer, bears, wolves, eagles, owls, and many other animals.
moose the largest kind of deer. Male moose have very large antlers that are shaped like a hand with spread fingers. Moose are mammals with hooves. They live in the northern United States and in Canada. Moose also live in northern Europe and Asia, where they are called elk.
musk a substance with a strong smell made by the gland of a certain kind of male deer. Musk is used in making some perfumes. [2 definitions]