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Children's Dictionary
ammunition any means used in a disagreement or battle to attack or defend an opinion. [1/2 definitions]
castle a large, strong building where a noble lived with his family and servants. Many castles were built long ago to defend the people inside against attacks. [1/2 definitions]
center fielder in baseball, the player whose position is in center field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
champion to fight for or defend; act in favor of. [1/3 definitions]
first baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at first base while the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
left fielder in baseball, the player whose position is in left field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
NATO a group of nations that have promised to defend each other in times of need. "NATO" stands for "North Atlantic Treaty Organization." The United States, Canada, Turkey, and many European nations are members of NATO.
pangolin a mammal that lives in Africa and Asia and feeds on ants and termites. Pangolins do not have teeth, and they roll into a ball to defend themselves when they are attacked.
protect to defend or keep safe; shield from danger or harm.
right fielder in baseball, the player whose position is in right field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
second baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at second base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
skunk a small mammal with black and white fur and a bushy tail. Skunks defend themselves with a spray that smells very bad. They are active at night, when they hunt rodents, insects, and eggs. Several kinds of skunks live in North and South America. They are related to badgers, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
third baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at third base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
weapon an object or device used to attack or defend. [2 definitions]