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annihilate to destroy completely.
antibiotic substance derived from fungi or other organisms and used to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria or other disease-causing organisms.
attack to begin to cause harm to. [1/5 definitions]
blight to spoil, ruin, or destroy. [1/3 definitions]
blow up to destroy or be destroyed through an explosion. [1/3 definitions]
bomb to attack or destroy with a bomb or bombs. [1/4 definitions]
burn down to destroy with fire. [1/2 definitions]
consume to destroy. [1/3 definitions]
crash1 to smash or destroy with great force and loud noise. [1/7 definitions]
deadly aiming to destroy or kill. [1/3 definitions]
demolish to tear down or destroy.
destroy If you destroy something, you damage it so much that it cannot be fixed. Fires can destroy buildings and forests. Earthquakes can destroy highways and bridges.
devastate to destroy or ruin. [1/2 definitions]
drug Another kind of drug is something that can affect a person's mind. They can make a person feel very excited, calm, happy, or sad even if they are not really feeling that way at all. Sometimes they can make people do things that they would not usually do. When a person takes these kinds of drugs, it affects both their mind and their body, and, in some cases, they begin to need the drugs all the time. Sometimes drugs can destroy a person's health and life. Some of these kinds of drugs can be given out by doctors in a very careful way to help their patients with certain kinds of problems, but sometimes people get them and sell them in an illegal way. [1/2 definitions]
dynamite to blow up, blast holes in, or destroy by using dynamite. [1/3 definitions]
eat to destroy through wearing away. [1/5 definitions]
eliminate to get rid of or destroy. [1/2 definitions]
evil motivated by intent to harm or destroy. [1/3 definitions]
filling A filling is a material that a dentist puts into a tooth to fix the tooth when there is a cavity. A cavity is a small hole in a tooth that is caused by decay. Cavities in your teeth are not good, but fillings can help you keep using your teeth and can help stop more decay. Decay is a process that breaks down teeth and can destroy them little by little. [1/3 definitions]
fire When there is a fire in a building, things are burning inside it. If the fire is not controlled, it can destroy the whole building. When there is a fire in the forest, trees are burning in it. The fire can kill many trees, plants, and animals. [1/9 definitions]
fireproof difficult or impossible to set on fire or to damage or destroy with fire.