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dictionary A dictionary is something that tells you the meaning of words and a lot of other things about them. It is a book that you can hold in your hands or something like a book that you can read on a computer or phone. A dictionary tells you what words mean, how to say them, how they are spelled, and how they are used in a sentence.
entry a word or phrase listed and defined in a dictionary. [1/4 definitions]
guide word one or two words printed at the top of the page in a reference book to help the reader find the right page. In this dictionary, the guide words at the top of each page show what the first and last entries on that page are.
part of speech When you look up a word in the dictionary, you can usually see something called "part of speech." A part of speech is a label that tells you how a word can be used in a sentence. In English, there are nine parts of speech. They are called noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, pronoun, article, and interjection.
slang When we talk about slang, we mean very informal words and phrases that people sometimes use when they know each other really well and are very comfortable with each other. These words are often new words that are not in the dictionary, and they often don't stay in the language very long. Sometimes slang is not considered good or respectful language, so people are often careful when they use it with people they don't know well.
you Sometimes when we say "you," we mean any person or all people. We often use "you" this way in this dictionary. [1/2 definitions]