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diet1 A diet is the food and drink that makes up what a person or animal usually eats. [2/3 definitions]
omnivore an animal that lives on a diet of both plant and animal food.
omnivorous living on a diet of both plant and animal food.
scurvy a disease caused by not having enough vitamin C in the diet. A person with scurvy is usually very weak and has bleeding gums.
train to make fit through a program of exercise and diet. [1/9 definitions]
zinc Zinc is a kind of metal. It is bluish-white in color, and it is one of the chemical elements. It is often combined with other metals to create other substances that are useful. It might seem strange, but zinc is one of the metals that humans need in their diet for good health. They only need a very small amount, though, and they can get it from foods like, meat, fish, and eggs.