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capsule a tiny case that holds one dose of medicine. Capsules are made of gelatin and dissolve when swallowed. [1/2 definitions]
dissolve When you dissolve something, you mix it completely into a liquid so that it seems like it is not there anymore. If one thing dissolves another thing, it makes it melt or become liquid. [1/2 definitions]
sugar The sugar that people use in candy and cookies is just one type of sugar. Other natural substances that are made up of similar chemicals are also called sugars. Like ordinary sugar, they have the form of crystals and can dissolve in water. You can eat these sugars, but some of them are sweet and others have almost no sweetness at all. One sugar you may have heard of is "fructose." Fructose is the kind of sugar that is in fruits. It is what makes fruits sweet. [1/2 definitions]
turpentine a thin oil made from this mixture and used as a paint thinner or to dissolve other substances. [1/2 definitions]