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catastrophic causing great and terrible destruction, hardship, or distress; disastrous.
discomfort If you feel discomfort, you feel something close to pain or distress. You don't feel good in some way. Something hurts a bit or feels wrong. If you feel emotional discomfort, you might feel anxious, worried, ashamed, or embarrassed.
dismay alarm, confusion, or mental distress. [1/4 definitions]
distress Distress is great pain, sadness, fear, or worry. When people feel distress, they often feel that they have no control and they don't know what to do, or they fear there is nothing they can do to help themselves. [2/3 definitions]
pain to cause distress in; anger; hurt. [1/5 definitions]
prey to bother or distress. [1/6 definitions]
relief1 the feeling of being freed from pain, distress, or worry. [1/4 definitions]
sorrow the suffering or distress that results from a loss, misfortune, or injury; grief. [2 definitions]
strait (usually plural) a condition or position of trouble or distress. [1/2 definitions]
torment to cause to feel great pain or distress. [1/3 definitions]
trouble a source of difficulty or distress. [1/8 definitions]