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absolutely When you are absolutely sure about something, it means that you are completely sure. You have no doubt at all. If you are absolutely finished with something, there is not even one more little thing to do. [1/2 definitions]
beyond question without any doubt.
bound1 If you say that someone is bound to be happy about something, it means that you are quite sure that this person will be happy about it. If you say someone is bound to win the race, it means you have little doubt that this person will win. [1/5 definitions]
by far without a doubt; indeed.
certain sure; positive; having no doubt. [2/4 definitions]
certainly without doubt or question. [1/2 definitions]
certainty If you have certainty about something, you are completely sure about it. You have confidence in your knowledge or in your opinion about it. If you have certainty that you are going to get an A on a certain test, then you are completely sure that you will. You have no doubt. [1/2 definitions]
clear to make free of confusion or doubt. [1/14 definitions]
clearly without a doubt. [1/2 definitions]
definite known without a doubt; certain; sure. [1/2 definitions]
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
deter to stop or discourage from some action by creating doubt or fear.
distrust to lack faith or confidence in; to doubt. [2 definitions]
doubt When you doubt something, it means that you are not at all sure or confident about it. You think that thing is possible but not very likely. [4 definitions]
doubtful having or causing doubt. [1/3 definitions]
easily without doubt; certainly. [1/2 definitions]
eye to look at in a fixed way, or with doubt. [1/5 definitions]
flat1 When someone is flat wrong, they are wrong without a doubt. [1/11 definitions]
hesitant not feeling sure; in doubt.
indeed without any question or doubt; truly. [2 definitions]
insecure not sure of oneself; filled with doubt. [1/3 definitions]