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accelerate When you accelerate, you increase the speed or rate of something. If a driver accelerates while they are driving, they make their car go faster. [1/2 definitions]
articulated lorry a British word for a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer that carries goods over long distances. "Articulated lorry" often has the same meaning as "tractor-trailer."
cab1 the enclosed part of a truck or big machine where the driver or operator sits. [1/3 definitions]
carpool an agreement among a group of automobile drivers who work together, or whose children go to the same school. Each driver takes turns driving the others.
coach a closed carriage that is pulled by horses. A coach has four wheels, and an outside seat for the driver. [1/6 definitions]
cruise If a police car is cruising through the neighborhood, it is traveling through the neighborhood checking for things or searching for someone or something. If a taxi driver is cruising down a street, they are looking for people to give rides to. [1/4 definitions]
dashboard A dashboard is a part of a car or other vehicle. It contains gauges that give information to the driver, such as how fast the vehicle is going, how many miles or kilometers the vehicle has already traveled, whether the engine is running okay or not, and how much fuel the vehicle has. It also has controls for things like heat and air conditioning.
driver A driver is someone who drives. It can be anybody who drives, or a person who drives for their job, like a bus driver or a truck driver.
gauge A gauge is a device that is used to measure something. A car has a number of different gauges that tell the driver things like whether the engine is too hot or if the tires don't have enough air. [1/2 definitions]
headlight Headlights are parts of a car or other vehicle. Headlights are strong lights that allow the driver to see the road at night. Every car has two headlights on the front. One is on the left side and the other is on the right side.
honk When a driver honks at someone or something, they make a noise with their car horn when they see them. Often, people honk at a person or animal because they want them to move out of the way or move along faster. [1/5 definitions]
motor scooter a light, two-wheeled, gas-powered vehicle with two small wheels and a seat over the engine for the driver.
pull over If a driver pulls over, they drive to the side of the road and stop.
rearview mirror a mirror attached to a car or other vehicle that allows the driver to see what is behind him or her.
rein (usually plural) a set of leather straps attached to both ends of a horse's bridle bit. Using reins, a driver or rider can control the horse. [1/4 definitions]
run When a driver runs a stop sign, they drive past the stop sign and through the intersection without stopping. [1/25 definitions]
safe When you are a safe driver, you are a careful driver. [1/5 definitions]
scooter "Scooter" is a short way of saying "motor scooter." A motor scooter is a light vehicle with two wheels that uses power from a motor. It has a seat over the motor for the driver. People can ride a scooter on city streets or on highways. [1/2 definitions]
speed limit A speed limit is the highest speed that a driver is allowed to drive by law. Different places have different speed limits, and different roads and highways have different speed limits too.
speedometer A speedometer tells a driver how fast they are driving. It is an instrument that measures the speed of a vehicle as it is moving.
steering wheel a wheel that is turned by a driver, pilot, or the like to control the direction of a land vehicle, boat, or aircraft.