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Children's Dictionary
articulated lorry a British word for a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer that carries goods over long distances. "Articulated lorry" often has the same meaning as "tractor-trailer."
cab1 the enclosed part of a truck or big machine where the driver or operator sits. [1/3 definitions]
carpool an agreement among a group of automobile drivers who work together, or whose children go to the same school. Each driver takes turns driving the others.
coach a closed carriage that is pulled by horses. A coach has four wheels, and an outside seat for the driver. [1/6 definitions]
motor scooter a light, two-wheeled, gas-powered vehicle with two small wheels and a seat over the engine for the driver.
rearview mirror a mirror attached to a car or other vehicle that allows the driver to see what is behind him or her.
rein (usually plural) a set of leather straps attached to both ends of a horse's bridle bit. Using reins, a driver or rider can control the horse. [1/4 definitions]
steering wheel a wheel that is turned by a driver, pilot, or the like to control the direction of a land vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
tractor-trailer a very large truck that consists of a cab where the driver sits and a trailer or semitrailer attached to it. Tractor-trailers are used to transport goods over long distances.
windscreen the British word for a curved piece of glass or plastic attached to the front of a car or other vehicle to protect the driver and riders from the wind. "Windscreen" has the same meaning as "windshield."
windshield a curved piece of glass or plastic attached to the front of a car or other vehicle to protect the driver and riders from the wind.
wiper a device that moves across a vehicle's window to keep it clear so that the driver can see.