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drake an adult male duck.
duck1 a female duck. The male is often called a drake. [1/2 definitions]
duckling a young duck.
fowl a wild bird, such as a duck, goose, pheasant, or quail, that is hunted for its meat. [1/2 definitions]
goose a water bird that looks like a duck but is usually larger, with a longer neck and legs and a more pointed bill. Some geese are raised by farmers, and some are found in the wild. [1/4 definitions]
mallard a common wild duck. The male has a shiny dark green head and neck.
platypus a mammal with a wide bill, a long, flat tail, and webbed feet for swimming. Platypuses live near streams in Australia. They are one of only two kinds of mammals that lay eggs. They are sometimes called duck-billed platypuses.
quack1 the sound that a duck makes. [2 definitions]
reality Reality is all of what we know to exist and be true. Reality is not created by imagination. What we see in dreams at night is not reality. If someone believes they are riding a duck over a cloud of soap bubbles, their mind is not seeing reality. [1/2 definitions]
sentence A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea. In grammar, a sentence always has two parts. One is the subject part, and the other is the verb part. The subject tells us who or what we are talking about, and the verb tells us things like what the subject does or did. "My sister" is not a sentence, and "walks like a duck" is not a sentence, but "My sister walks like a duck" is a sentence because it has a subject part, "my sister," AND a verb part, "walks like a duck." [1/3 definitions]
teal a small duck with a short neck that lives in and around fresh water. [1/2 definitions]