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Children's Dictionary
alternate following each other in turns, first one then the other. [1/7 definitions]
apart away from each other in time or space; at or to a distance; separated. [1/2 definitions]
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.
bye1 a short, informal way of saying good-bye. People often say "bye" when they are leaving each other or when they are finished talking on the telephone.
chain a series of things or events that are connected to each other. [1/5 definitions]
clearance the space between things that keeps them from striking against each other. [1/2 definitions]
contradictory being in conflict with or opposite to something else or each other. [1/2 definitions]
crisscross with two or more lines crossing each other. [2/4 definitions]
cross-eye a condition in which one or both eyes turn toward each other.
crossing a place where two roads, routes, or railroad tracks cross each other. [1/2 definitions]
family a group of living things that are related to each other. [1/5 definitions]
fault a break in part of the earth's crust that is like a crack in the surface of the earth. A fault can be small or it can be hundreds of miles long. Because of the break between the surfaces, the surfaces can move and become uneven with each other. [1/4 definitions]
friction the rubbing of objects against each other. [1/3 definitions]
gravity the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other. [1/2 definitions]
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams. [1/2 definitions]
handcuff one of two metal rings that are joined to each other by a short chain or bar. Handcuffs are locked around a prisoner's wrists. [1/2 definitions]
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile. [1/5 definitions]
homograph a word that has the same spelling as another but a different meaning and history. Homographs are often pronounced differently from each other. In the sentence, "She shed a tear over the tear in her dress," the two words spelled "t-e-a-r" are homographs.
impact the force of two objects hitting or crashing into each other. [1/2 definitions]
interchangeable able to be put or used in place of each other.
jingle to make a sound like light metal objects hitting against each other again and again. [1/4 definitions]